Ice Dam Removal
As warmer temperatures lead to melting snow, this water has nowhere to go. As a result that water is forced under your shingles and into the vulnerable materials below leading to costly leaks. However, you can prevent leaks from happening with Peterson’s ice dam removal service.
Where Do Ice Dams Form?
- EEaves: The eaves are located at the lower edges of your roof, projecting outwards over your home’s walls. They have colder surfaces than the rest of your roof allowing ice dams to form.
- EValleys: The “valleys” of your roof are located in areas where two pitched roofs meet such as dormers.
- ESkylights: If your home has skylights, it is not uncommon for ice dams to form at the top and bottom of the skylight.
- ENear openings: All roofs have openings such as vents and pipes which when poorly ventilated can lead to heat escaping and ice dam formation.
- EBathrooms & Vaulted Ceilings: Interior rooms with vaulted ceilings as well as bathrooms can both be common areas where ice dams form on the roof above.
Ice Dams Explained
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Ice Dam Removal Services in Fargo
Our gentle process avoids the damage caused by pressure washer services used to force ice dams off the roof. Pressure washers can lift shingles, crack gutters, and erode the protective granules from your roof’s shingles. This damage reduces the effectiveness of your roof, leading to roof failure.
Where Do Ice Dams Commonly Form?
Hover your curser on the letters for a detailed explanation

Risk of Ice Dams
- EWood rot on your roof decking, rafters, wall framing and sheathing
- EMold growth from dampness
- EDamage to gutters, siding, roofing, shingles, etc. from icicles
- ERisk of injury due to falling ice and icicles to people below
- ERisk of damage to property and vehicles due to falling ice and icicles
- EPermanent damage to insulation
- EInterior damage including peeling and blistering wall and trim surfaces, carpeting and wood floors, furniture, lighting, electrical, and more